We are thrilled to see StaySafeSA.com starting to grow its reach in San Antonio and are very humbled by all the positive feedback received from our community partners. At ESD, our community effort did not stop at the time of site launch. We continue to enhance and enrich the website daily. Since launch, we’ve added several new features to provide a better experience and fulfill some requested needs:

  • Multi-Language Support: StaySafeSA.com is now available in 7 languages
  • What is in Stock: a stock inventory report page
  • Employment Resources: for recently laid-off or furloughed employees
  • Family Healthy Living: keeping healthy and well during COVID-19
  • Find Healthcare & Medical Care: medical care beyond COVID-19
  • Ways to Help: support for our non-profits and healthcare professionals
  • Help for the Food & Beverage Industry

Working together, we can get through this. Contact us if you know any small businesses or information that should be included or updated. We hope this tool is helpful to you. Please share it with your family and friends.