This last year provided many learning experiences about navigating life through the digital world. Teachers were given the task to make an online class environment work for all students. Venues, artists, and festivals were faced with having to adapt to the use of virtual events. As of recently, two-thirds of U.S. economic activity derived from 42% of laborers working from home. We all had to get accustomed to the digital realm. Although a brighter future does seem to be ahead of us, there are some “pandemic practices” that might just stick around a little while longer.

Virtual Events.

According to Forbes, virtual events are here to stay even after society starts to step back into the physical world. By keeping virtual events, companies have been able to broaden their audience reach and increase return-on-investment through lower event costs and increased participation.

Social Media Shopping.

Instagram has made the consumer pathway to purchasing a product more accessible. With Instagram’s new shopping feature, we can predict that companies will focus more on ad and shopping displays through the social media format. In the past, social media channels were a great way to build brand awareness and increase customer acquisition. This shopping feature will now allow for companies to boost their conversion rates as well.


If you’re a business owner who hasn’t developed the right Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices, get started on this marketing strategy for this year. As more companies plan to grow their online brand presence due to COVID-19, a powerful SEO strategy will allow you to keep your brand relevant.


Start envisioning your future brand growth by giving us a call at (210) 348-8008 or reaching via email at We are eager to hear your business goals.

*Information from this article was gathered from Stanford News and Forbes