As most brand touch points have shifted from being primarily offline to online, mastering digital user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) is increasingly important. UX is centered on a customer’s usability of your technology. It’s the practice of designing with your user in mind and producing the information, effects, and results that meet their needs and goals. This can mean creating a website they’ll want to return to, or a smartphone app so easy to use that they’ll book a hotel room without abandoning the cart. 
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A recent Huffington Post blog post offered insight into how B2B CMOs will need to think about connecting and engaging with buyers. In the post, several CMOs were interviewed, and research was cited that paints a clear picture as to the shifting digital landscape facing today's marketing executives. One such study is recent Gartner research showing the growing impact of digital channels puts pressure on B2B brands to engage with customers in a way that they have not in the past. The digital age has given extra empowerment to customers and their expectations of how brands should interact with them have changed. 
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This is the first of a five-part series on how to repurpose content to save time and increase exposure. Today, we’re going to explore how to repackage content that originates with a Facebook contest.  Think you don’t have to time to brainstorm and write new content for every medium? Stop posting in separate silos. Creating stand-alone content for each medium is highly inefficient. When you cross-pollinate and repackage content across mediums, you save time and energy, and give your campaigns more momentum than ever. Use this example to see how you can take one piece of content and turn it into a multi-channel campaign.
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There is already a slew of articles regarding Facebook metrics which tell you why they are important and suggest which metrics you should track and why. However, there seems to be very little discussion regarding Facebook ratios. In the world of finance (which is governed by numbers), ratios are king. There are hundreds of financial ratios that can be measured from just a few core metrics. Unlike metrics, ratios identify relationships, which can give you much deeper insights and far more accurate diagnostics than by merely looking at the performance of one metric.
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With the end of Google Reader approaching July 1, how many content curators still haven’t decided on a RSS feed reader option? Not as many as you’d think, considering the dearth of articles on the Internet about making a change and the attitude of many content curation junkies like me who have been married to their RSS feed readers and still don’t quite believe Google is abandoning us. But it’s time to find a new tool.
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